Buckets Of Blood And Unlimited Laughter: Kid Koala's Spark Is Peter Jackson's Dead Alive

For its debut episode on Consequence Podcast Network, Unze is joined by the wonder that is Kid Koala to talk about Dead Alive (also known Braindead).

Kid Koala has loved Peter Jackson’s (The Lord of the Rings trilogy) legendarily gory and hilarious third film since the moment he first laid eyes on it. It’s since become a part of his artistic DNA. He’s drawn inspiration from the black humor, incredible practical special effects, and unique visual style that have been imitated by genre filmmakers for over 30 years.

“It definitely is one of those films you feel like your brain’s growing new synapses, because it doesn’t really have anything for it to link to that you witnessed before,” Kid Koala, aka Eric San, says. “It’s one of those films that really just changed forever what I thought was possible in a film — not just in that range, but just in art in general. I think that, raised on a steady diet of that, raised on a steady diet of The Muppet Show or Monty Python… It was just like, ‘Oh, okay, so this is an album?’ It’s not just 10 songs that are tailor-cut for radio plays; they could literally go all over the place and enjoy the universe that they’re in.”